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 We're going to find out who's Real and who's Fake

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PostSubject: We're going to find out who's Real and who's Fake   We're going to find out who's Real and who's Fake I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 24, 2012 11:57 pm

We're going to find out who's Real and who's Fake ROLEPLAY
Roleplay Title: Kind Of Missed It....
Words Written: 2,440 Words Without Coding

He talked so much garbage. He talked OH so much garbage. Confidence was at an all new level right now. It really was.

As I was at my locker room I just really couldn’t get over the fact that SNM ran away. He ran away from me and ran as far as he could. He watched as I knocked his girl out cold. SNM truly is the definition of a bitch.

Now this guy was going to get a title shot? He desereved it right? Because he looked like a champion right? Sometimes I didn’t know what the IWF was all about or what they were thinking.

I looked straight at my mirror and looked into my reflection. I looked into my own eyes and smirked. I was ready to take on SNM, I really was. I was ready to do this whole black on black crime thing, and I was ready to defend my championship.

KARLY ZEDIC: What’s on your mind Sharky??

I turned my head to the side, still looking at the mirror. I could see her reflection. She was behind me and she was putting her panties back on. She flashed a smile at me from the mirror. I turned around and leaned against the counter and just watched her dress up.

JAMES SHARK: Nothing yo, you know my mind is on nothing but you and how good that make-up sex was!

Karly blushed a little bit and bit her lips. I loved the way she bit her lips. She then turned around and began to put her jeans back on. I loved how she didn’t put her bra on her first as I just stared at her beautiful breasts.

KARLY ZEDIC: It was pretty good… wasn’t it haha

I nodded my head. It was always a pleasure with Ms.Zedic. No wonder this was the only girl I was always committed to. When we were together in 2009 I never cheated on her, not even had the thoughts of cheating on her. In fact, when we broke up it was her that broke it off.

She wasn’t happy with the way I was acting. I started to get myself into jail and trouble with drugs and partying.

JAMES SHARK: Yea, it was.

I walked over to her, put my hand on her cheek and gave her a kiss, the kiss then turned into a makeout session. I let go and she giggled. Why did I ever leave this girl? She was so damn good looking, so damn good at fucking, and she had a good personality too.

Then again I didn’t really leave anything. We were just friends with benefits. I dated Serai just to get Karly jealous, it worked, and when the time came to choose between them, I chose Serai. Why? Why did I do that? I guess my plan failed and I ended up falling for the bitch. Dumbass Shark.

As Serai’s name came into my mind I couldn’t help but think about her and SNM. Serai and SNM making out in front of me and in front of the whole world after the main event. I really don’t get it. Was that supposed to get me jealous? Was she doing the same thing I did to her? Was she getting with SNM to try and get in my head? Or was it SNM that came to her to try and get in my head?

Who knew, who really knew. Serai was a slut, and SNM was a guy with no game. The two of them could get married in a tropical island for all I cared and I wouldn’t give two shits. I had feelings for Serai when we broke up. Despite me fucking a lot of girls she was the one I was thinking about, but those feelings are all gone now.

KARLY ZEDIC: Seriously Shark, what are you thinking about? Haha

I guess I was staring off into space, because when I snapped out of my thoughts I realized my mouth was wide open. I closed it and looked at her kind of embarrassed. She shook her head smiling up at me, unfortunately for me she already had put her bra on and was now in the middle of putting her shirt back on.
JAMES SHARK: You really want to know?

I didn’t mind telling her about my thoughts on SNM and Serai, I didn’t mind telling her about my match at Spring Fling, I didn’t mind telling her any of this. I missed stuff like this. Me and Karly used to talk about everything before we became all about sex and games.


She finished putting her shirt back on then turned towards the mirror and began to make faces as she combed her hair. I watched her for a moment and opened my mouth about to tell her all about my thoughts until there was a knock on my door. I turned my head and looked over at it. I really didn’t know who it could be.

Nobody was usually around here after the show ends. In fact, I had been here an hour after the show had ended, so whoever was knocking at the door had to have been here for that long also. I walked over to the door and opened it, behind it was a staff member.

STAFF MEMBER: Um Hey Shark, I noticed you were here, and I’m sure you heard about Brandon Macdonald being the new general manager and al-

KARLY ZEDIC: Brandon is the new GM??

turned around and looked at Karly, she was done combing her hair and was staring at the staff member with a confused look on her face. I guess she was as surprised as I was because I didn’t know my boy had general manager powers also. I turned back to the staff member and he nodded his head.

STAFF MEMBER: Ya, I guess the two of you missed out on the announcement. Brandon pretty much announced it himself in the ring.

Karly walked over to the door and looked up at me smiling. She then focused her direction over at the staff member.

KARLY ZEDIC: Yea we were pretty busy…

I laughed and wrapped my arms around her. I thought the show was over after my match, I guess the sex was so good that we couldn’t even hear what was going on backstage and in the ring.

JAMES SHARK: Is he still here yo?

The staff member shook his head and looked around the halls.

STAFF MEMBER: Nobody is here, he left a while ago but he wanted me to let you know that he has already booked you in the a match for the next Battle Grounds against Steel Angel.

I took my arms off of Karly and looked at the staff member in disbelief.

JAMES SHARK: What the fuck? Why? Steel fucking Angel? In the Main Event? Is IWF stupid or something? What the hell? No no, better yet, has my boy snapped? Has Brandon Macdonald snapped hard on this one?

Karly looked up at me, she looked over at the interviewer and realized that both herself and the interviewer had the same confusion on their faces. They both didn’t understand why I didn’t like this matchup.

JAMES SHARK: What is going on yo, SNM from what I know… still has a title shot at Spring Fling. He ran away from me like a little bitch tonight, and he lost the match. He beat a bunch of nobodies and then he lost when it was time to face the best and he cracked, but still, on top of all that he’s still going to get the main event at the PPV with a title shot, and now? Now Steel Angel takes the Main Event at Battle Grounds against me? Why? For ratings? Oh it can’t be for ratings so why the fuck is he getting this main event spot?

The staff member shrugged at me, then the staff member looked over at Karly who also shrugged.

STAFF MEMBER: First of all it isn’t the Main Event, although you guys are in the co-main event, the main event will be SNM taking on Corey Casey, however Brandon told me that you would ask me that, that’s why he told me to tell you that he knows that you can easily beat Steel Angel. He knows that Steel Angel will be an easy opponent for you and he knows that you deserve one after shutting SNM up and putting on a war with Corey Casey for the one year anniversary show.

I nodded my head, this was a reasonable excuse for Steel Angel to get a co main event spot.

STAFF MEMBER: He also told me he kinda owes you for stealing your awards….

James looked even more confused then before.

JAMES SHARK: What awards yo?

The staff member tried his best not to laugh out loud as Karly smiled.

STAFF MEMBER: Well today was the IWF award show, you were nominated for several awards but Brandon mainly won those ones.

JAMES SHARK: That motherfucker yo….

I shook my head, it kind of bothered me that I didn’t win any awards, but If I lost those awards I was happy to lose them to Brandon. The dude was a killer, and he still would be if he didn’t get retired. It’s a shame he isn’t competing but at least he’ll be behind the scenes now.

Thinking of Brandon I couldn’t help but think of his ex-wife Anna Stone. We had sex the past week and boy was it great. We did it like three nights in a row, and the last time we did I slept over. We had a pillow fight and she whooped my ass with them pillows but it was all good because I fucked her so hard and made her pay.

STAFF MEMBER: James… James are you listening to anything I’m saying??

I shook my head and snapped out of my thoughts of Anna Stone’s pussy. For some reason I had my tongue out in the air while I was day dreaming. I put my tongue back in my mouth and both Karly and the Staff Member were looking up at me with weird faces.

KARLY ZEDIC: Glad of you to be back with us Shark…. Who’s vagina were you day dreaming about?

I winked at her and cocked a confident smile at her.


The staff member stepped backwards and shook his head in disgust.

STAFF MEMBER: This is awkward… look I’m going to go now, you two have a good night and enjoy your trip back. Shark good luck to you next week.

I pointed at him as if telling him I had this match in the bag. I then shut the door and grabbed Karly and began to try and take off her clothes but she was stopping me.

KARLY ZEDIC: Haha okay Shark, before we do this again there was one more thing you should know about your match this week.

I stopped and let go of her. If she was really stopping me from having sex with her only to tell me what this staff member forgot to add, that must’ve meant that it was important. I looked at her hard, waiting for whatever it was that I didn’t hear.

KARLY ZEDIC: There’s going to be a special guest enforcer for your match. It’s that really awkward guy… the one that won the whole battle for the briefcase tournament, Chad Mason.

I blinked a few times taking that whole stipulation in. This is not what I had in mind for an easy matchup. This is not what I had in mind at all. What the hell was with Brandon? I get the whole reason for him having Steel Angel for me as a reward or something, but why the hell would he add Chad Mason into the mix? This guy sucked, he sucked real bad, but the point was that Chad had the briefcase, and since he had the briefcase that meant that Chad was looking to screw me out of this win.

JAMES SHARK: That ain’t right yo…. Why the hell would he do me like that, I thought we were boys.

She adjusted her shirt that was lifted up then took my hand knowing that I was upset.

KARLY ZEDIC: You know Brandon loves you… no homo. You know he’s your friend, the staff member said something about him having to do this not only for ratings but to do this to make things fair for Steel Angel. The whole world knows that you can run through Steel Angel, and the whole world knows that the only way for Steel Angel to have a little bit of a chance in beating you is to have something like this added to the match. Don’t take it so personal Sharky.

I nodded my head, if you put it that way, everything made sense now. Karly began to help me pack up my gear and stuff and put them back into my luggage. When were ready to go, I opened the door and walked out of the locker room with her. We began to walk down the empty arena hallways and out to the parking lot.

It was pretty cold outside so I wrapped my arms around her. I really did miss stuff like this. It wasn’t just the conversations but it was having a girl by your side, having a girl that cared about you. I really fucked up things with Karly but I didn’t know if she still had some love for me. All of a sudden her phone nudged and she stopped to read her text message. I waited for a while but she was the type of girl that just had to stop to reply back, so I began to walk back to the car by myself.

As I got into the car I threw my luggage in the back seat and began to warm up the car. I turned the radio on and just got comfortable. Karly was taking too long so I looked up at the mirror, only to see her now talking on the phone. She looked happy and was laughing. As a matter of fact the way she was smiling was the same way she used to smile at me. The way she was laughing was the same way she used to laugh at my jokes.

For some reason I got a little jealous. I started the car up and drove away, without looking back.

We're going to find out who's Real and who's Fake ROLEPLAY5
Roleplay Title: It's Whatever
Words Written: 1, 514 Words Without Coding


I got up to the sound of the phone ringing throughout the whole house. Nobody was picking it up, and it kind of pissed me off. I looked at the clock and it read 12:03 PM. I rolled on out of bed and put on some shorts and picked up the cordless phone that was on the side of my bed.


No answer. In fact, whoever was on the other line had already hung up by the time that I picked up the phone. I shook my head in disappointment, I hated when stuff like that happened. I took a deep breathe and rubbed my eyes. I was still tired.

I began to walk down stairs and as I did I could hear Shawn in the living room making weird noises, when I got down there I could see the whole living room floor covered with action figures. He was playing with all of them and throwing them around. When I took a closer look I realized they were wrestling action figures.

SHAWN ZEDIC: And now! Main event time!!! Shark will fight Steel Angel!!! Yaaa!! Booo!!! Yaaaa!!!!

Shawn grabbed the Steel Angel action figure and the James Shark action figure and began to make them attack each other in the middle of the toy ring. I guess he didn’t see me because he was making Steel Angel whoop my ass. He was making Steel Angel do all this high flying shit on me and I wasn’t having it.

SHAWN ZEDIC: Oh no everybody!! Steel Angel is winning! Steel Angel is winning! This is incredible! This is amazing! What is going on arou-

I walked over to his direction stepping on a bunch of action figures, I then kicked the ring as hard as I could, it flew across the ring and so did the two action figures. Shawn quickly got up and backed away all frightened as if he was expecting me to beat him up or something. Tears began to go down his eyes as he looked at me.

JAMES SHARK: The fuck was that crack of shit yo? You had that Yuko motherfucker whooping me and shit, you know better nigga.

I shook my head and walked away. As I walked away I could see the phone flashing off in the kitchen, it was signifying that there were unread messages. I picked up the phone and placed it onto my ear and began to listen.

[color=green]VOICEMAIL:[/font] You have 5 unread messages, to listen to your messages, press o-

I pressed the number one on the phone.

VOICEMAIL: First unread message: “Ok first of all I would like to say, that you are a fucking douchebag! What the hell is your problem Shark? I come all the way down to visit you and surprise you and you treat me like that? I thought we had respect for each other but each time we get together or get close again you just stab me in the back, over and over and over again. You better hope I don’t get sick because I swear to god If I get si-

I pressed the number nine on the phone.

VOICEMAIL: Message erased, next unread message: Bonjour Shark! It’s moi Sabrina!, how dare you tell everyone moi et tu had sex! How dare you! I am going to go tell everyone it was a LIE et your going to look bad!... oh et by the way, moi still want to make a poopie for you!!!

I pressed the number nine on the phone once again.

VOICEMAIL: Message erased, next unread message: Look Shark, it’s Mike from the CWF. You cannot quit the CWF. You just can’t! do you know why you cannot quit? Because YOUR FIRED! Hahaha yup, and you know what? I just tweeted it, now the whole world will think that we fired you! Hahahah yeaaaaahhhh buddy! THE CABS ARE HERE! Hahaha ya, or better yet, THE TWEETS ARE HERE! Haha, your in for it buddy, your going to get dogged on Twitter Shark, your going to-

I pressed the number nine once more on my phone then hung up as I knew that was the end of the unread messages, however I did feel bad for Karly. Waking up today I just felt like the same Shark. The Shark that just wanted to fuck girls. For some reason the other night I missed being in a relationship, today I was just the same old me. It was weird, it really was. I shouldn’t have gotten jealous about her talking on the phone with some other person. Today was Wednesday and that happened on Saturday, the message she left on my phone was from Sunday, hopefully me giving her this late apology would get us back on good terms, or at least speaking terms. I began to dial her number but as soon as I did there was already someone calling on the other line. I pressed flash and answered it.


HANSON COTTLE: James where have you been!?

[color:90e0=cyan[JAMES SHARK: What it do young nigga?

HANSON COTTLE: Did you just get fired from CWF? What happened?

JAMES SHARK: Yo dog, it’s whatever bruh, don’t even worry about it, what are you saying?

HANSON COTTLE: Nothing just out here. I won’t be back till late but can you start training on your own? I heard your facing off against Steel Angel and I need you at your very best. I know you may think he’s an easy win but he’s facing the champion and that’s a lot of motivation for him.

JAMES SHARK: I got this b, it’s whatever.

HANSON COTTLE: No Shark it isn’t just “whatever”, you got a championship match at Spring Fling with SNM and you have to send this guy a message, we need you to knock Steel Angel the fuck out!

JAMES SHARK: Look, SNM got his hands filled with Corey, and there’s no way he’s going to make it out of that match in one piece. I’m going to do me and it’s whatever. Win or Lose Steel Angel is going to get an ass whooping.

HANSON COTTLE: So you don’t even care about winning now? What’s going on with you Shark. You’ve been a hit and miss now. You just got fired from the CWF, you’ve been getting a mix of wins and losses in the WEW, you just lost your world title in TIW.

JAMES SHARK: Hey yo, don’t even worry about the CWF aight? And as far of them other companies, take this in. I’m working the craziest schedule, I’m off traveling here, training there, wrestling here. It’s just fucked up. If I lose a few who really gives a fuck? Why is everyone focusing on that shit? How come nobody stops and thanks me for not pulling out of any of these matches? Do you know how many of those matches I’ve came in injured and worn out from a previous match? It’s crazy yo.

HANSON COTTLE: Look, all I’m saying is take Steel Angel seriously, you can’t afford to lose another match and you can’t afford to lose to a guy like Steel Angel. I don’t like this whole “win or lose” attitude, I want you to come into this match with one thing in your mind and one thing only, to win.

JAMES SHARK: I don’t come into matches to win, I come to fucking scrap. Steel Angel is going to be in a fight, not a wrestling match, a fight. I promise you that, and that’s all I’m promising.

I took the phone off my ears and hung up. I thought about what Hanson said and I just didn’t know about this match. To be honest I was nervous, I really was. There was no way I was going to show the world that I was nervous but I was. The confidence just wasn’t with me at this moment. A motivated and hungry James Shark is dangerous, is very dangerous. However the motivation and hunger just wasn’t there. It really wasn’t.

SNM lit a fire up my ass, he really did, but after defeating him and making him run from me like a little bitch, all the motivation I had was really gone. I’ve had motivation to whoop SNM since the day he started talking about me, but now, now its all gone.

Besides, what’s there to be motivated about when you’re working your ass off seven days a week without a break? It’s crazy it really was. I walked over to Shawn who was sitting down with his head down. He looked all sad and I couldn’t help but just try and make him feel better.

Maybe there was some motivation to gain. Maybe there was something else to fight for. I looked down at Shawn and smiled at him. Maybe this goofy ass nigga right here could be my motivation. Maybe the bad guy just had to go away.

We're going to find out who's Real and who's Fake ROLEPLAY2
Shoot Title: I Just Wanna Scrap
Words Written: 2, 039 Words Without Coding

Steel Angel, AKA Yuko something something that I cannot pronounce something.

What’s good nigga??

Look man, it looks like your facing me this week and I gotta give mad props to Brandon for making this match. I’ve been wanting to lay a whooping on you for a very very very long time. It’s been a few months now and I cannot wait to dig that ass homie.

For the first time ever, the New Blood King takes on IWF’s King. Steel Angel vs James Shark, first time ever, and hopefully the last time ever.

Hopefully the last time ever because people like you, do not desereve to be in the ring with me. Much like like SNM does not deserve to be in the ring with Corey Casey…. Hey I got another example if you didn’t get it yet, much like slutty ass hoes like Serai do not desereve to be in the ring with former champions like Robbie Hart and Ruben Ricardo Leon.
What are you going to do though right? You get a match, and it’s your job to compete, so you’re going to take the match. This isn’t the first time I’ll be stepping into the ring with an undesereving opponent, and it probably won’t be the last time. Shit happens and matches like these happen all the time. This isn’t rare, this isn’t a surprise, we get these type of matches in pro wrestling.

These matches are made to give the weak some confidence, to give the weak some hope. These matches are made to challenge weak bitches like Steel Angel. Here’s a guy who won his last match but then got butt fucked at the end by some nigga like Masque, now he’s facing me in the co-main event? This just proves my point, right now all eyes are on Steel Angel. All the pressure is on Steel Angel.

Some would think that I’m in a Lose-Lose situation. That If I lose to a guy like Steel Angel, It would ruin my image, that if I got a lackluster win against Steel Angel, it would ruin my image.

Your right, it would, so I wouldn’t argue if yall would say I am in a lose-lose situation, but to be honest, Steel Angel isn’t in a win-win situation, and the pressure is still all on him. The pressure ain’t on me, I have no pressure going into this match.

I’ve been here before, I’ve been in matches like this countless of times.

I’m going to go out there and try to knock your head off regardless of who you are and what you have done in the sport. In this specific case, this person is Steel Angel and all he has done in the IWF is won the New Blood Championship.
I saw his recent promo and it was cute, it was real fucking cute. He got mad cocky and he got mad confident. He’s trying out talk the king of trash talking. What are you doing with yourself my dude? Are you actually trying to play that game?
Steel Angel told me that I should stop bragging about beating up girls…. Say what?

I guess your reffering to when I knocked the fuck out of “what’s her name” last week… SNM’s bitch. First of all, in my defense, she looked like a fucking man. Anna Stone told me that when they were grappling in that ring, she could’ve sworn she felt a dick in between Sno Bunny’s legs, but to answer to your whole “bragging” comment… when did I ever brag about that? When?

Did you hear me brag about knocking out Sno Bunny? Because please, if you did, you might want to think about that again. Not once did I brag about that, hell you called me out on some stupid ass shit. I never brag about wins over the weak. After this match, After I knock your ass out, I’m not going to brag about it bro, I’m not going to brag about it even a little bit.

As far as I’m concerned there won’t be any bragging rights for this match after I whoop you because your nobody to be bragged about. Your calling me out on shit that you do. When you defeated that slutty ass bitch Rosalie Knight, and you straight up dominated her, all you did was talk about how easy it was, all you did was talk about how good you looked.
She’s a girl bro. She’s an ugly girl too. Who gives a shit about Rosalie Knight. I defeated her too, did you see me talk any shit about her? Nah b, so get your facts straight.

I also love how your calling me a pussy and your calling me soft. If I remember correctly there was a certain someone who DUCKED… straight up DUCKED Latoya Banks. You had a win over her, and you bragged about it SO much, and when the time came when Latoya was ready for a rematch, what did you say Steel Angel? What did you say?

“…heh….lol….heh…lol…heh it’s not up to me….heh…lol…heh…. if Rick Christian makes the match I’ll do it….heh….lol”

Then here comes that faggot Rick Christian and Rick Christian makes the match, and then what do you say Steel Angel? What did you say when Rick Christian told you that you could face Latoya if you wanted to?

“….heh….lol…heh….I don’t have to face her…heh….I already did before…lol…It’s out of my…heh…control…I don’t have to do it….lol….so I won’t”

Pussy ass bitch. You called me a pussy and softie for giving you some dirt on Serai. I don’t understand that concept, I really don’t. See I’m here at home, I’m watching your promo, and I’m trying to figure out where your coming from on the bullshit your speaking. I’m trying to understand you but I just can’t.

YOU came to ME
YOU begged ME
YOU came to ME
YOU begged ME

How many times do I have to say this shit? You had the advantage in that match. Serai was a little bitch, and she still is, you’re the guy who has been competing more times in her in the IWF, and YOU still came to me for help. You came into the gym, you were all sweating, you were all nervous, and you did nothing but beg and beg and beg me for some tapes on her, some footage on her, some dirt on her.

I give it to you, and yet I’m the pussy right?

You’z a little bitch dog. Nothing you say makes sense, fuck it yo, your whole LIFE doesn’t make sense. You call yourself the Steel Angel? Why? Because you like Anime, what does the name “Steel Angel” have to do with anime porn? I don’t fucking know.

Your real name is some next ass long ass Japanese, Chinese, Korean, name. Yet your fucking parents are both American, and you, you’re the whitest motherfucker I’ve ever laid eyes on. How in the hell does any of that make sense?
You know I was going to tell myself that you were adopted, you were adopted and your real Korean, Japanese chinese whatever parents… didn’t like you. They put you in a trash can, and these two white Gaylords found you and adopted you.

But… that still doesn’t explain why your white as fuck. You’re the definition of a “White Boy”. So why is your name 100% Yellow for? Who the fuck knows. I guess we should put this on some next unsolved mysteries TV Show.
Hahahahaha on the real doe.

There ain’t nothing more swagged out then a nigga with confidence and a nigga that can tell you straight up “You’re going to lose and going to lose bad” only to make you lose and make you lose bad. For real, I say this all the time. There ain’t nothing more better than a guy who talks so much shit and backs it all up. I do just that.

You wanna tell me I got my ass kicked by Corey Casey? Well nigga please do not let me start on the list of dudes who whooped your ass. People like Aric Voss, people like… oh man people who I don’t even fucking know have whooped your ass.

I can’t wait for this Steelio, I cannot fucking wait.

All that jumping around, crazy ninja high flying shit that you like to do isn’t going to work. You’ll know that if you have watched some of my tapes. Each and every match, and each and every opponent, win or lose, it’s the same scenario. I make them fight MY fight. I make them fight the way I fight. It don’t matter if you’re a powerhouse, if you’re a technical, if you’re dirty, none of them different fighting styles matter. What matters is, I’m a fighter, I ain’t no wrestler, I’m a fighter.
Everytime I step into that ring, I look to make things a scrap. That’s all I want, all I want is to “Just” scrap, and once you step into that ring with me and that bell rings, you’re fighting style just flys right out the window. I make you fight my fight nigga, I make you scrap it out with me.

You have two choices, it’s scrap or get the knocked the fuck out, and even when you do decide to scrap there’s still a high percentage of you getting knocked the fuck out.

You see, Steel Angel, you out of all people should know this. You’ve been here and you’ve been here ever since I was holding his very same Heavyweight Championship at From The Ashes, you’ve watched me defend this title against Dan Alexander, you watched my feud with Vincent Van Rose carry on, you’ve watched me retire Chuck Matthews, you’ve seen so many of my matches. I don’t blame SNM for underestimating me and calling me out, but you? Come on bruh, you should know better.

You know damn well of what I’m capable of, and at the end of the day, I’m going to force you to turn this wrestling match into a scrap, a slugfest, a street fight.

I’m going to hunt you down, rope to rope, corner to corner. I’m not going to calculate or time my shots, I’m just going to throw them, and I’m going to land, and when I do land, oh you damn well know it’s going to be lights out.

I understand that you have a message to send, a message to send to Chad and Masque, but you just need to take in the fact that, that same message you want to send… is going to have to be delayed. I have a message I want to send, a message to SNM. I’m going to USE YOU to send that message, and if Chad wants to get involved then I’ll use him too.
Every fucking match, every fucking week, I come forward and I go guns blazing on my opponent. I don’t give him a chance to breathe, I don’t give him a chance to think, I don’t give him a chance to react. It’s just pressure, pressure, pressure. Punches and Kicks coming at you from all angles. I’m just that type of dude and this Saturday It’s going to be no different.

I’m ready to knock you out “Yuko”, and I’m ready to do it in violent fashion. You want to show the world that you deserve to be in this spot, and I want to show the world that you DON’T deserve to be in this spot. We’re both looking to pick up a win over each other, so let’s just do this.
We’re going to find out who’s real and who’s fake.

I’m done with the talking. Talk shit get hit. You talked shit and now it’s time for you to get hit, and my nigga if you already didn’t know…. One hit is all it takes.

Ask O’Shannon
Ask Hardaway
Ask Ridicule
Ask SNM’s Bitch

Fun Fact, all those pussies I named got a stronger chin then you. I’d keep that chin down if I were you, cause these fists are coming at you all night baby.

Let’s Get It.
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