Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice.....Our scene opens on SuperCorey and BatVan(Rose) discussing the next step for the JustUs League and it's members....
SuperCorey: Well BatVan, it looks as though the League of Guys Who Wanna Fuck With Us, or the LGWWFWU for short, has taken it upon themselves to challenge you and I yet again....
BatVan: Who in the heck would step to the JustUs League SuperCorey??
SuperCorey: Well this here giant computer we use to monitor the World says The Farmer and Token have decided to step up and make it difficult for the League....
BatVan: Oh I thought it would have been someone like Solomon DeathAngel or BizzaroChuck?? The Farmer and Token should know better....Haven't we already fucked them up before....
SuperCorey: Individually yes we have, but they think they can be a cohesive unit....
BatVan: Ha!! You said Unit ....
SuperCorey: Yes I did but how does that....
BatVan: Well all Token talks about is his 12 inch unit he is going to use to decimate the WORLD!!!
SuperCorey: I thought there was a dick joke coming.....
BatVan: Well I tried to hide it just a bit....
SuperCorey: It didn't work BatVan....
Just then a few more members of the JustUs League join SuperCorey and BatVan...It looks as though The Wonder Twins, Connor and Shawn, have decided to join the fray....They are bickering amongst themselves, as usual, when SuperCorey snaps them to attention...
Connor: Next time we take on a team like JayHawkman and his Right Handed Dudes...Just let me take the front....I mean all yoiu can do is turn into puddles and shit.
Shawn: Hey...Be Cool I can turn into anything liquid like!!
Connor's eyes light up and the Twins tap fists....
Twins: Wonder Twin Powers ACTIVATE!!!
There is a flash and Shawn turns into three bottles of Red Stripe....
SuperCorey: I was gonna yell at you two for breaking our train of thought but I see you brought beer Connor so all is forgiven....
SuperCorey pops off the top of the beer and starts drinking in big gulps....We hear a diembodied scream as Shawn begins the journey to SuperCorey's stomach....
Connor: Um...SuperCasey, that was Shawn....He was tryin', pretty poorly I might add, to prove a point and he turned himself into imported brewskis....
SuperCorey: Well, HA.... Now he will have to wait for me to drain the Super Vein won't he?? Enjoy your trip Shawn??
Shawn's voice emenates from somewhere near Corey's bladder....
Shawn: FUCK YOU MAN!!!
Connor sees the pictures of The Farmer and Token up on the screen and asks what is up. SuperCorey briefs him the three superheroes have a good laugh at the thought of two second rate villians challenging the pride of the Justus League....
Connor: All the Farmer can do is lame approximations of other people's super powers and apparently fuck semi famous cartoon dogs and all Token does is talk about his World Dominating Unit and things that happened before...Way Lame in my opinion...
An echoing laugh comes from SuperCorey's bladder...
As they were all getting ready to head out AquaKeith steps through the elevator in front of them....
AquaKeith: Hey guys where y'all headed?? Can I help??
SuperCorey: Nah AquaKeith we're good ... Next time we need some to "talk" to fish and job to the Right Handed Dudes we will give you a shout....
SuperCorey gets ready to take off and notices BatVan is riding the BatHarley and not the BatMobile as usual....
SuperCorey: What's up with the BatHarley, BatVan???
BatVan: The BatMobile threw a BatRod and I got the Boy Wonder back at the Cave fixing it up....
They all head their sperate ways as the Bat Symbol spins into the credits....
....Tune in to this same Bat Time and same Bat Channel when next week we check in on the Wonder Twins and see if they can be reunited again...And we also see what has happened when SuperCasey and Bat Van take on the Farmer and Token....Til Next Week True Believers!!!
....Vinnie wakes up with a start shaking the cobwebs from his head....Laughing at the wild dream he just had....
Vinnie: That is the last time I mix pain killers and tequila....DAMN!!!